Posted on 18 Nov 2020

C19 Coalition Volunteer Highlight: Catherine Bitar

2-3 minutes

Catherine Bitar is based in Irvine, Calif. with her husband and her dog. Even though the pandemic has been difficult, she appreciates having more time during it to spend together with them. 

She joined the C19 Coalition in August via an invitation from a colleague from work. By bringing her skills and experience in community outreach, grassroots marketing and writing, Catherine works diligently on managing social media for the coalition. She loves seeing how social media marketing can bring people together, and has enjoyed trying something new. 

“From what articles are out there, the need for PPE is numerous,” she says. She has been impressed with the works of groups she’s met with such as the Chicano Federation based in San Diego, “There are so many different people providing such a vast number of services, I’m just trying to help by spreading the word.” 

Catherine believes the work of C19 Coalition is impactful because it has helped create a funnel for organizations versus just donating via one single avenue. The coalition works by looking at the bigger picture and getting PPE to anyone who needs it. 

She hopes that the flu season will be less dramatic, and that we can be more prepared by staying cleaner and respecting each others’ boundaries. But overall, she’s remained positive about how the pandemic has brought people together in a different way.
“Pandemic has brought people together, and it has brought out a lot of compassion from people,” she says. “Mental health awareness is being heightened and people are finding comfort in ways they’re not alone.”

Catherine sees more kindness in the world, and hopes that the pandemic will encourage people to be kinder to each other, take the focus off of ourselves and place attention on a bigger whole.
“You just never know what anyone’s going through.”

If you are interested in joining Catherine and volunteering with the C19 Coalition, reach out to us at